This application allows you to easily and in the shortest possible time to learn how to draw weapons. ✏️ A huge number of people nowadays want to learn how to draw, but they have great difficulties with this. The application has a huge collection of step-by-step instructions for drawing. The lessons are simple and realistic at the same time. ✏️ If you want to learn how to draw cool and realistic weapons so that others envy you, then this application is especially for you.

You will easily imagine what and how you will draw. Lessons of varying difficulty will help you work out the key aspects of drawing. Do you want to surprise your friends or just learn how to draw? Then this application is specially for you. Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on .😊 Step by step drawings of your favorite weapons. “Observation is more important than using a system, and you don’t want everybody you draw to look the exact same.” “Remember that this varies from person to person,” Dockery says. The distance from the nose to the top of the head is the same as the distance from the nose down to the top of the rib cage. The eyes tend to be slightly above the midpoint, and the tip of the nose ends halfway between the eyes and the chin. If you return your attention to the head, you can begin to sketch the facial features.

The third head down lines up with the belly button, and the fourth lines up with the bottom of the pelvis. The underside of the pectoralis major, or the chest muscles, is about two heads down. If you draw a front view of a standing person and you start with the head, you can measure out the full length of the body as seven of those head lengths.

“The basic proportion of the average person is seven heads tall,” Dockery says. The proportions of human bodies vary widely, but these basic rules can help you keep body parts to scale.