
Download the last version for windows PT Portrait Studio 6.0
Download the last version for windows PT Portrait Studio 6.0

download the last version for windows PT Portrait Studio 6.0

I ended up totally blowing up the memory on my notebook, which has 8 Gb of RAM, and runs Process Lasso to improve responsiveness. And then I finally found the skin mask, last of the correction icons, with its feather and eraser tools! I couldn't figure out how to "close up" or "cover over" or blur out what looked like a small slice in one place or a small cluster of raised little bumps in another. I couldn't figure out how to "feather out" the edges of a blemish correction without drawing a whole lot of little circles that then didn't do what I wanted consistently. Being used to "blur" tools on other programs, where you put a selector or brush or finger on one place and move it over what you want blurred, this frustrated me. So sometimes I could get things to smear, but it sometimes sorta bunched up and missed here and there. I couldn't figure out how to make the blemish remover tool work consistently - the little arrow that sometimes shows up when you move a circle does what, exactly?Didn't feel like checking the website. (See previous paragraph about skin mask!) Didn't feel like checking the website. I couldn't figure out how to just select what I wanted to change on particular areas without changing everything. sliders managed to change the entire image, not just what I was working on. Except that using the blemish tools with its own color/saturation/etc. I had no problems using the controls within each correction. Or at least label the tool sections directly!

download the last version for windows PT Portrait Studio 6.0

It should be first, and maybe part of Fitting, since it sets the skin areas to be worked on. However, I didn't find the skin mask tool until after I'd tried the blemish tool and other tools, so I was very frustrated. They worked like lots of other editing programs. I found the overall skin corrections easy to use and pretty effective. (And this was with it at 1:1 or larger!) I would have liked to have a few more points for eyes on eyelid and eyeball corrections, and for lips - and chin/jawline!! I was frustrated by how inconsistent it felt to select points on the fitting screen to change them - sometimes I could grab the blue controls, sometimes I couldn't. When a long-time user of graphic and photo-editing programs has problems finding things and figuring out how to use them, something is missing! There could at least be a basic set of help FAQs or simple tutorials within the program.

download the last version for windows PT Portrait Studio 6.0

I found it very annoying to have to go to the website to find out how to do things. I pulled up a really bad selfie shot and started to play with the program.

download the last version for windows PT Portrait Studio 6.0

I may have missed it but I couldn't find a way to tell it where to save, since I don't save pictures to my user folder on C: but to a public user folder for photos on D. I installed with no problem on Win10/64 bit.

Download the last version for windows PT Portrait Studio 6.0