When asked why he posted the video, he said in the same interview, “Cops have a hard time right now, and when they can see we’re still having fun and still real people and we’re good, it’s a good thing.” The teenager said it was “the first time he’d woken up in a random place” to the police officers in the video.

“What if that dude stumbled into a bed with a kid or my wife? I mean, it could have been a different morning, right? So, wrong place, wrong time lucky place, lucky time, that there’s dudes that actually know how to handle that.” Mr Pesola said things could have gone differently if the teenager had been in a different house. We’re gonna get over it, and at the end of the day, we can smile about it,” said deputy Vander Ark. According to local news outlet WKYT, they did not arrest the man. In the video, they edited together a montage of them alerting the local Milwaukee authorities.